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Angel Diaz

A sisters invitation

      Angel will never forget the night he received Christ.
      Raised in Fresno, to parents that tried to show him the right direction, Angel drifted into the gang life with the help of a cousin.
     Quickly he moved into drugs. The spiral was set as Angel made self-destructive decisions which took over his life.
      He quit school in the ninth grade deciding to run the streets as a "tough guy".   \But under that perceived respect was a depression, due to his dependencies, that would not give Angel rest.  It haunted him.
     The hopelessness intensified with each passing month until, at one point, his thoughts were of suicide.
       His little sister had given him a Bible. She asked him 'please read

Angel Diaz

it', a plea from an innocent to help a hurting soul.
     In the late hours of a cold night, at his mother's kitchen table, having a particularly hard time with drugs and depression, Angel decided to "give it a shot".
    He said a half-hearted prayer to God, like "if you are real….reveal yourself". Angel opened the Bible to John 10:26-40.  He read.

 Then, he shook.
      Since that night, Angel has changed. Along with his wife and children, he is dedicated to God using his gift of poetry and music to minister to others.
      Out of his desperation and from a loving invitation, Angel is now proof of the forgiveness and hope God so wonderfully grants